Breast Cancer Management | TapGenes
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Breast Cancer Management
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Breast Cancer Management


• Fatigue – Fatigue is a significant issue long into cancer survivorship. Researchers at the University of California studied the effects of Iyengar yoga on fatigue, comparing it to other interventions for fatigue. The yoga group had significantly greater relief from fatigue than other interventions, but more research is needed.
• Learn what you need to know about your breast cancer. Ask for good sources of up-to-date information.
• Talk with other breast cancer survivors. Contact the American Cancer Society to find out about support groups in your area and online.
• Find someone to talk with about your feelings, such as a friend, family member, clergy or a counselor.

• Keep your friends and family close. As you begin letting people know about your diagnosis, you’ll likely get offers to help. Think ahead about things you may want help with, such as having someone to talk with when you’re feeling low, or getting help preparing meals.



• Maintain intimacy with your partner. In Western cultures, women’s breasts are associated with femininity and sexuality. Breast cancer may affect your self-image and erode your confidence in intimate relationships. Talk to your partner about your feelings and insecurities.

More Information
American Cancer Society (800)227-2345
National Cancer Institute (800) 4 – cancer (422 – 6237)

National Cancer Institute
Office of Women’s Health
Mayo Clinic:


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